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Michelle Weinstein, AKA The Pitch Queen, is the host of Success Unfiltered, which features an array of unique and inspiring guests. She talks to all kinds of innovators and achievers, including multi seven and eight figure entrepreneurs, Shark Tank veterans, authors, performers, and investors.

Her guests share their most intimate stories, no holds barred. It’s the raw and vulnerable stuff that you don’t always hear about, like major rejections, epic failures, and unrelenting setbacks.
They share their most inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, never giving up, and achieving success beyond their wildest imaginations.

She created this podcast to help entrepreneurs realize that they are NOT alone. Everyone who has attempted something epic has had their share of setbacks, failures, and NOs. By sharing unfiltered stories from extraordinary individuals who overcame hardships and ultimately achieved their version of success, her hope is to inspire others to stay in the game and hold out for their own dreams.

Her mission and goal is to inspire rising entrepreneurs to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s her passion to show people how to take action, own their value, and grow their top-line revenue. You CAN build a successful and flourishing business and make a global impact by doing what you love, and Success Unfiltered will inspire you ever step of the way!

Dec 6, 2017

028 | Kate Nowlan Explains Why Having a Backup Plan in Business is Important

Kate Nowlan makes it happen as COO of GRACED BY GRIT. She manages her team leading by example and rarely sacrificing fun. She starts an impromptu ab workout in the office onemoment to get endorphins pumping for creativity and focus and leads a company meeting the next.

With her positive attitude, she shows her employees why working for GRACED BY GRIT is her dream job each and every day. She is a natural people-person and loves working with women.

Outside of the office, Kate is raising two teenage daughters while squeezing in yoga, pilates, a de-stressing walk or a run (almost) every day. When she isn’t folding laundry (hello, teenage girls) she finds time for her boyfriend, family and friends usually while sipping an extra dirty martini.

Kate’s entrepreneurial journey started out a bit differently than some, she started by doing small things here and there to help make ends meet for her family. This eventually escalated to a full-blown business when Kate moved to California.

After separating from her husband, Kate began a career that she’d been yearning for.

After being fired after only 5 months at her job, she had to quickly bounce to her Plan B. Kate experienced some scary moments after she was fired. She was responsible for her two daughters and knew she had to quickly jump back in after reconnecting with old personal training clients.

One of those old clients led to a business partnership. This partnership, is what grew into Kate’s current company GRACED BY GRIT.

Kate shares with us, how even when she was feeding her kids PB&J sandwiches, she was able to make huge leaps in her business.

Enjoy, thank you for listening and tuning into Success Unfiltered!

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Special thanks goes out to Kate Nowlan for taking the time to chat with Michelle. Be sure to join us next week for our next new episode!

P.S. Are you ready to help your clients get what they really want? The DREAM! Ready to learn what passions are driving them to that dream? And also learn know how to deliver that message? Click right HERE to learn how you get to those emotional hot buttons that tell the client that you “get” them and shows them that YOU are the one to see them through to the promise land!

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Kate Nowlan.
  • Kate shares how her entrepreneurial journey started out a bit differently than some.
  • Kate moved to Southern California where she had a couple different jobs. One where she was fired after only 5 months! She shares the whole story.
  • Believe or not, without a Plan B, Kate was still able to create a thriving business.
  • While reconnecting with her personal training clients she found a business partner that aligned with her Plan B.
  • Kate shares what drove her out of bed every day and kept her business growing.
  • Even Kate’s family didn’t initially believe in her to create a successful business.
  • “Open yourself up to the people that you trust and that can help you” ~Kate Nowlan
  • Kate shares her experience with trying to earn a women’s business loan, and what her end result was.
  • Kate  tells a GREAT story about an accidental email she sent.
  • Kate shares the perfect 1 min pitch of her company!
  • The toughest NO that Kate experienced had to do with a former employee.
  • Kate shares what she would tell her younger self.

Connect with Kate:

Are you ready to help your clients get what they really want? The DREAM! Learn what their passions are that drive them to their dream? And also learn know how to deliver that message?

Click right HERE to learn how you get to those emotional hot buttons that tell the client that you “get” them and shows them that YOU are the one to see them through to the promise land! We’re going to show you step-by-step how to get to what really trips their trigger and USE it to get you a solid, passionate, dream-laden YES right HERE!

Music produced by Deejay-O