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Michelle Weinstein, AKA The Pitch Queen, is the host of Success Unfiltered, which features an array of unique and inspiring guests. She talks to all kinds of innovators and achievers, including multi seven and eight figure entrepreneurs, Shark Tank veterans, authors, performers, and investors.

Her guests share their most intimate stories, no holds barred. It’s the raw and vulnerable stuff that you don’t always hear about, like major rejections, epic failures, and unrelenting setbacks.
They share their most inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, never giving up, and achieving success beyond their wildest imaginations.

She created this podcast to help entrepreneurs realize that they are NOT alone. Everyone who has attempted something epic has had their share of setbacks, failures, and NOs. By sharing unfiltered stories from extraordinary individuals who overcame hardships and ultimately achieved their version of success, her hope is to inspire others to stay in the game and hold out for their own dreams.

Her mission and goal is to inspire rising entrepreneurs to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s her passion to show people how to take action, own their value, and grow their top-line revenue. You CAN build a successful and flourishing business and make a global impact by doing what you love, and Success Unfiltered will inspire you ever step of the way!

Mar 13, 2019

094 | Jacquelyn Umof: How Detachment From Any Outcome Can Propel You Towards Success

Jacquelyn Umof is a former LA Laker Girl turned yogi - Action Jacquelyn is one of the biggest yoga influencers online. Known for her stunning poses, positive messaging and beautiful photography, Jacquelyn engages her fans through her "Get Stretchy" program. Jacquelyn is a trained ballerina, is on a mission to share her love of dance and movement with her huge Instagram audience, her subscribers on YouTube and on her wildly popular interactive blog.

Her fans love her 1-week challenges, daily motivations and infinite tools for mental and physical strength, growth, and improvement. Jacquelyn is a classically trained ballerina from a very young age, and has danced professionally for LINES Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Inland Pacific Ballet, and went on to be a Laker Girl for the Los Angeles Lakers. She has worked with major brands including Roxy, Victoria's Secret, Power Bar, Pop Flex, Target, Bath and Body Works, and Alo Yoga.

Jacquelyn started as a fitness instructor at a local gym. Her classes were the most popular at the gym, and they had to turn people away because they were so full.

Then one day, Jacquelyn was completely removed from the class schedule. Turns out, a coworker wanted the class times that Jacquelyn taught, and was able to push Jacquelyn out.

As Jacquelyn stepped out and began to pursue her dreams of serving her online following, she learned that saying NO meant that she would be open to better opportunities to say YES to. When she began refining who she worked with, and not worrying about the result of a NO, her business began to skyrocket.

Learning to detach herself from worrying what people thought of her, or the end results of a NO led Jacquelyn to create fitness videos that impact people even more than she ever could have dreamed.

Like Jacquelyn, I learned in my business that the art of detachment was a huge factor in my success. Not worrying about the impact of another person’s beliefs on my business helped me put aside fears and worries, knowing that every NO was pushing me closer to the right YES.

When I look for sponsorships for my podcasts, I look at the services, tools, and products that I use every day and love. If these services, tools or products will serve my listeners, then I would reach out to the companies and see if they are interested in sponsoring my podcasts.

If they say NO, that is ok! That opens me up to the opportunity of a YES that could be an even better alignment for me. When companies say YES, my friends and listeners know that they can trust the products and services that I promote because they know that I have already personally said YES to these.

My guest on this week’s Success Unfiltered, Jacquelyn, had to learn that sometimes finding your YES means that you have to say NO - and that when you say NO, your success will skyrocket!

If you’re ready to get inspired about saying NO to opportunities in order to make room for the best YES, then this is a MUST LISTEN episode of Success Unfiltered!

Enjoy, and thank you for listening and tuning into Success Unfiltered!

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  • Please leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.
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Special thanks goes out to Jacquelyn Umof for taking the time to chat with Michelle. Be sure to join us next week for our next new episode!

Everyone Gets Rejected In Sales. It’s what you do AFTER the NO that counts! I’ve got 3 ways that you can turn a NO into a win (and maybe even a future YES)! Grab my guide to surviving rejections in business and making them work for you right HERE!

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Jacquelyn.
  • Jacquelyn shares about how she taught popular Pilates/yoga and Barre fitness classes at a local gym.
  • One day, Jacquelyn found herself removed from the schedule, and found out later that someone else wanted her class times, and removed Jacquelyn from the schedule, and bad-mouthing her teaching techniques to others.
  • She had always desired to reach a larger community, especially online. When she was removed from the schedule like she was nothing, that led to a time of questioning and wondering if this was her purpose.
  • Jacquelyn surrounded herself with people who were “in her corner,” lifting her up.
  • She followed her gut: she knew that what she was doing was right, which fed her drive and purpose as she continued to teach after that event occurred.
  • “If I’m not getting haters, I’m not being impactful enough - [having haters] means I’ve taken a stand for something.” ~ Jacquelyn Umof
  • “Criticism has more to do with the givers bad mood, and their life and what’s going on with them; it has nothing to do with me. I was just in the ‘wrong place, wrong time.’ I get to let that go, and release that and have compassion on them. It takes a lot of practice though.” ~ Jacquelyn Umof
  • It takes a certain resilience when you’re constantly putting yourself out there: Jacquelyn has to detach from the reactions and results. “Every day is trial and error; seeing if something is going to work or not.”  ~ Jacquelyn Umof
  • Having a huge sense of gratitude and letting that sink in and constantly practicing that gratitude every single day helps with learning detachment from the end results; surrendering to what will happen and trusting your vision will bring you to where you are supposed to be.
  • When you hear NO, that can be a sign that the person or job is not right for you.
  • Let yourself have fun and enjoy the work.
  • Getting paid what you’re worth gets less scary the more you do it.
  • Be willing to walk away if people say NO to what you have to offer.
  • You don’t have to quit your day job for a hustle; allow yourself to be able to create without the pressure of having to make money RIGHT NOW - this allows creativity, love, and passion to flow.
  • When you start to own your value, and what you’re worth, you can flip the script and say NO.
  • Jacquelyn says “I will never post something that I don’t 100% believe in.”
  • Surrendering to your belief and your vision allows you to know that when you say NO to something, you know that something more is coming your way.
  • Jacquelyn shared what she would tell her younger self.

Connect with Jacquelyn:

Everyone Gets Rejected In Sales. It’s what you do AFTER the NO that counts! I’ve got 3 ways that you can turn a NO into a win (and maybe even a future YES)! Grab my guide to surviving rejections in business and making them work for you right HERE!

Music produced by Deejay-O