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Michelle Weinstein, AKA The Pitch Queen, is the host of Success Unfiltered, which features an array of unique and inspiring guests. She talks to all kinds of innovators and achievers, including multi seven and eight figure entrepreneurs, Shark Tank veterans, authors, performers, and investors.

Her guests share their most intimate stories, no holds barred. It’s the raw and vulnerable stuff that you don’t always hear about, like major rejections, epic failures, and unrelenting setbacks.
They share their most inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, never giving up, and achieving success beyond their wildest imaginations.

She created this podcast to help entrepreneurs realize that they are NOT alone. Everyone who has attempted something epic has had their share of setbacks, failures, and NOs. By sharing unfiltered stories from extraordinary individuals who overcame hardships and ultimately achieved their version of success, her hope is to inspire others to stay in the game and hold out for their own dreams.

Her mission and goal is to inspire rising entrepreneurs to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s her passion to show people how to take action, own their value, and grow their top-line revenue. You CAN build a successful and flourishing business and make a global impact by doing what you love, and Success Unfiltered will inspire you ever step of the way!

Jul 31, 2019

114 | Sanja Hatter Shares How Follow Up and Being Professionally Annoying Brings in Revenue

Do you ever worry that you’re being annoying when it comes to following up?

Sanja Hatter is the co-founder of Thrive: Make Money Matter. This year at Thrive they plan to have over 2k attendees. In the past they have had...

Jul 27, 2019

Does the uncertainty of entrepreneurship constantly stress you out? 


If you want to be an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to learn how to live in the unknown. Being an entrepreneur means being prepared to take on anything at anytime, practicing how to live in the unknown and take problems head on as they come. In...

Jul 24, 2019

113 | Oren Klaff Teaches Us How to “Pitch Anything”

Do you ever feel like your pitch just doesn’t resonate with the right people? Do you ever wonder why?

With securities markets experience, Oren Klaff is Director of Capital Markets at investment bank Intersection Capital, where he manages its...

Jul 20, 2019

Are you cut out to be an entrepreneur? 


In this Success Shortcut, we’re talking about what it means to be a true entrepreneur and how to know whether or not you have what it takes to make it. Michelle also talks a little bit about the risk involved and whether or not making the bet on yourself will have you winning...

Jul 17, 2019

112 | Christa Orecchio Shares How You Can Eliminate Entrepreneurial PTSD

Do you ever feel like you have PTSD and trauma from your entrepreneurial journey?

Christa Orecchio, founder of The Whole Journey is a clinical and holistic nutritionist with a passion for helping as many people as possible to heal and...