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Michelle Weinstein, AKA The Pitch Queen, is the host of Success Unfiltered, which features an array of unique and inspiring guests. She talks to all kinds of innovators and achievers, including multi seven and eight figure entrepreneurs, Shark Tank veterans, authors, performers, and investors.

Her guests share their most intimate stories, no holds barred. It’s the raw and vulnerable stuff that you don’t always hear about, like major rejections, epic failures, and unrelenting setbacks.
They share their most inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, never giving up, and achieving success beyond their wildest imaginations.

She created this podcast to help entrepreneurs realize that they are NOT alone. Everyone who has attempted something epic has had their share of setbacks, failures, and NOs. By sharing unfiltered stories from extraordinary individuals who overcame hardships and ultimately achieved their version of success, her hope is to inspire others to stay in the game and hold out for their own dreams.

Her mission and goal is to inspire rising entrepreneurs to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s her passion to show people how to take action, own their value, and grow their top-line revenue. You CAN build a successful and flourishing business and make a global impact by doing what you love, and Success Unfiltered will inspire you ever step of the way!

Dec 13, 2017

029 | Larry Marcus Tells Us Why Experiencing Fire in the Belly is So Important in Business

Larry Marcus has a long and successful background in media, marketing and finance.  Having served in the capacities of CEO, CFO, and VP Business Affair of several large and small media companies, he is currently, Principal of Marcus Strategies, a business consulting practice, the Managing Partner of Marcus Investments as well as Chief Executive Officer of Peak Media Holdings, an investor in television stations. Additionally, Larry is an Angel investor for half a dozen early stage start-ups.

In his current semi-retirement mode, Larry is and has been involved with multiple non profits, serving San Diego's inner city youth, economic environmental impact and hospice care among them. 

Larry has experienced a lot in business, beginning his career in media at the age of 12 or 13, with a neighborhood paper route. His parents were from the depression-era and were constantly telling Larry NO to the things he wanted. He made it his life’s mission to learn how to turn every NO into a YES.

Larry takes us through many of the NO’s he heard and how he worked to flip that answer.

The number one thing to learn from Larry is that you need to find your fire in the belly. Once you’ve discovered that and where it comes from, it becomes easier to grow your career or business. You won’t let anything stand in the way of your drive to move forward.

Join the conversation with Larry, and hear how he’s successfully grown several businesses as well as become an amazing angel investor (who almost invested in my last company, FITzee Foods).

Enjoy, thank you for listening and tuning into Success Unfiltered!

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Special thanks goes out to Larry Marcus for taking the time to chat with Michelle. Be sure to join us next week for our next new episode!

P.S. Are you ready to niche down and find the prospects of your dreams? Stop feeling obligated to say YES to everyone who shows up. Let's put the odds in your favor so that the RIGHT people to show up! Check out my guide “Getting REAL About the Ideal: 5 Steps To Knowing (And Finding) Your Dream Clients” and start calling in the perfect prospects TODAY! Right HERE!

Here are a few key secrets we talked about in this episode:

  • Michelle introduces Larry Marcus.
  • Larry shares his story of growing up with depression-era parents and how it changed the whole way he viewed hearing NO.
  • Michelle and Larry talk about where “fire in the belly” comes from.
  • Delivering newspapers led Larry to a life in media.
  • When Larry hears NO, he hears an opportunity to find out why they said NO and then uses that to learn for the future.
  • Larry believes that NO does not equal failure!
  • When you get a YES from one person you use that YES in your next pitch session, to help inspire more people to invest.
  • Larry stresses how important it is to follow-through on all of your deadlines when meeting with companies.
  • “The more tangible we can make something for an investor, the more they can understand it” ~ Larry Marcus
  • Investors are risk averse, they want to know if something goes wrong that you have a solution.
  • Larry shares how important it is to be prepared before going into a meeting with an investor.
  • Larry shares what he’s looking for when he’s considering investing in someone.
  • Larry talks about how important it is to find a partner that aligns with your business goals.
  • Larry shares what he’d tell his younger self.

Connect with Larry:

Are you ready to niche down and find the prospects of your dreams? Stop feeling obligated to say YES to everyone who shows up. Let's put the odds in your favor so that the RIGHT people to show up! Check out my guide “Getting REAL About the Ideal: 5 Steps To Knowing (And Finding) Your Dream Clients” and start calling in the perfect prospects TODAY! Right HERE!

Music produced by Deejay-O