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Michelle Weinstein, AKA The Pitch Queen, is the host of Success Unfiltered, which features an array of unique and inspiring guests. She talks to all kinds of innovators and achievers, including multi seven and eight figure entrepreneurs, Shark Tank veterans, authors, performers, and investors.

Her guests share their most intimate stories, no holds barred. It’s the raw and vulnerable stuff that you don’t always hear about, like major rejections, epic failures, and unrelenting setbacks.
They share their most inspiring stories of overcoming adversity, never giving up, and achieving success beyond their wildest imaginations.

She created this podcast to help entrepreneurs realize that they are NOT alone. Everyone who has attempted something epic has had their share of setbacks, failures, and NOs. By sharing unfiltered stories from extraordinary individuals who overcame hardships and ultimately achieved their version of success, her hope is to inspire others to stay in the game and hold out for their own dreams.

Her mission and goal is to inspire rising entrepreneurs to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s her passion to show people how to take action, own their value, and grow their top-line revenue. You CAN build a successful and flourishing business and make a global impact by doing what you love, and Success Unfiltered will inspire you ever step of the way!

Jun 29, 2019

What does it take to be successful?

In this shortcut, Michelle talks about what it really takes to be successful and what it means to “pay the success tax.” Being successful is truly a result facing NO’s and rejections head on, putting in the work, and doing whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality. Ask...

Jun 26, 2019

109 | Iain Grae - When Was the Last Time You Took the Pulse of Your Prospect?

Do you perform pulse checks with your prospects?

Iain has spoken and worked in groups as small as six and spoken to groups of over 10,000 people. His passion for human potential radiates from his presence. The only thing he enjoys more than...

Jun 22, 2019

In this week’s Success Shortcut, Michelle gives you a new way to think about selling. In the end, selling is truly all about problem solving. If you can get to the root cause of someone’s problem, the sale becomes something your potential client or buyer needs and now wants from you. If you want a new perspective on...

Jun 19, 2019

108 | Angelia Trinidad Shares How To Live Your Passion & Make Millions

Do you work alone, or do you have a team?

Angelia Trinidad is the CEO and founder of Passion Planner. Her parents both immigrated to the United States from the Philippines hoping to give their children a better life. Angelia is one of four...

Jun 15, 2019

Have you ever stressed about paying the bills or wondered where your next paycheck is coming from, or do you struggle with “positive thinking”?

In today's Success Shortcut I'm talking about the importance of focusing on the right things. What you focus on is what you want attract and a simple shift in what you focus...